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All-Fill packaging machines continue to stand as the one and only industry leader, with a focus on future designs and advancing technology.

Why you need to add an All-Fill Checkweigher

June 12th, 2023

A checkweigher is not something that many packagers often consider, in fact, it is often overlooked. All-Fill designs filling machines around maximizing speed, accuracy, cleanliness, and ease of use, the biggest challenge is often accuracy. Accuracy from a filling machine, no matter what type, is dependent on a variety of factors such as product supply, product density, tooling selection, environmental conditions, and even operator/set-up error on the machinery.

Checkweighers at a minimum will dynamically weigh all packages moving across them for accuracy rejecting those that are out of your required specification and accepting those within the programmed limits. Checkweighers come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the object that needs to be inspected. The message is simple, stop accepting mediocrity from your packaging line, and consider integrating a checkweigher.

Checkweighers can easily be integrated with our filling machines or can stand alone and weigh packages that are not filled in line. One very important feature is feedback capability. For applications where there are ever changing variables, a checkweigher is great because it allows the filler to adjust for optimal results. For more information regarding checkweighers, allow Bobby Kelley to help you improve your packaging line. They can be reached at 610-524-7350.